Forensic Medicine:
              It is a branch of medicine, that deals with the applications of the medical and paramedical knowledge to the knowledge of both civil and criminal law to aid the administration of justice.

Hostile witness:
            Those are the one who make statements that opposite the interest of the party called them. They are thus described as those who are not willing, to tell the truth at that instance of the party calling them.
Unfavorable witness:
         These are the ones when called by a party to prove a particular fact but fails to prove that fact and sometimes proved  exactly opposite facts.
 It is defined as the preliminary inquiry into the cause of any sudden unnatural or suspected death, which is apparently not due to natural causes.
Coroner’s inquest:
    Coroner is the officer appointed by the government. Coroner court is the court of inquiry. Coroner is helped by the group of persons in the court called a jury. Jury may contain any number of people between 5,7,9,11,13,15(usually 7).
Duties of the Coroner:
  1. To make inquiries in case of suspicious deaths, deaths in prison, dying within his jurisdiction.
2. To view the body and to decide whether to make an inquiry or not.
3. he can summon a medical expert.
4. He can order a medical man (usually police surgeon ) to do the postmortem.
5. He can order for exhumation.
6. He can establish an open verdict. Arrest warrant can be issued by the coroner in the case when the verdict of foul play is found and the accused may be arrested and be surrendered in the magistrate court for further investigation.
Open verdict:
       It means the inquiry is adjourned indefinitely due to in need of information and can be opened at later dates when further information is available.
Indications for open verdict:
1. The Cause of death is not identified by the postmortem due to putrefaction.
2.In the case of poisoning cases where evidence is available to differentiate between suicide and accident.

  It is the document that compelling a witness the attendance in the court on a particular date and time without fail and under penalty.
Conduct money:
 It is money that is offered to the witness in the civil cases at the time of serving the summons that covers the traveling expenses.
It is also called witness bata.

              It is defined as the voluntary agreement, compliance or permission;
1. Implied consent
2.Expressed consent
    i) oral
    ii) Written
   It is defined as a want of reasonable degree of skill or care or willful negligence in part of a medical practitioner that lead to any injury or lead of the patient. It is also called Tort.
            It is defined as the painless killing of the person who is suffering from an incurable disease or senility or permanent damage to the brain which cannot be repaired. It is not yet permitted in India.

By induction:
 1.Active: Act of commission
2.Passive: Act of omission
 By willingness:
1.Voluntary : conscious patients
2.Non-voluntary : Patient in coma or severely defective infant
 Dying declaration:
 It is the statement verbal or written made by the deceased person before his/her death leading to the circumstances of the death.
Dying deposition:
 It is almost the dying declaration with the difference is the presence of the accused with his/her lawyer. It is more valuable as the accused gets the chance to challenge and cross-examine. The presence of the medical examiner is not indispensable but he should only establish the fitness of the patient.

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