Mercury is a liquid, bright, silvery metals relative at room temperature
  1. Mercuric chloride, Mercuric oxide, mercuric iodide, mercuric sulfide are some of the compounds.
  2. Mercury has affinity for several cellular components essential for the function of survival of the cell.
  3. The fatal dose is 1 to 2 g of mercury chloride.

  4. Chronic  poisoning:
  5. Salivation, inflammation of gums, blue line at their junction with teeth, sore throat, GI disturbances, loosening of teeth, tremors of the tongue, involve arms & legs.
  6. The advanced condition is called Hatter's shake or glass blowers shakers.
  7. Mercurial erethism refers to psychological offers, anxiety, depression, shyness, timidity, irritability loss of confidence, delusions, hallucinations, psychosis, loss of memory & insomnia.
  8. Mercuria lentis is  a peculiar eye change  due to exposure to vapor of mercury-due to brownish deposit on the anterior lens capsule
  9. Acrodynia or pink disease - irritation of hand & feet  followed by desquamation, loss of hair, hyperkeratosis & excessive sweating.
  10. Minimata disease is a type of organic mercurial poisoning due to eating of fish poisoned by mercury.

  12. Milk, egg white, 5% sodium formaldehyde, sulphoxycetate or 2 to 5% sodium bicarbonate may be used for  gastric lavage
  13. Cathetics should not be given but whole bowel irrigation may be beneficial
  14. Penicillamine is used for less severe. Mercury vapor & inorganic mercury poisoning.
  15. It is given orally in a dose of 100 mg/kg every 6 hours for 5 days in acute poisoning
  16. BAL is the chelating agent of choice
  17. Demulcents
  18. High caloric lavage with 1:1000 solution of sulphoxylate  twice daily
  19. Urine must be kept alkaline
  20. EDTA should not be used as it is nephrotic
  21. Haemodialysis if there is kidney damage.
  22. Symptomatic treatment.


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