Hello, friends today we are going to see something about antigen-presenting cells. Antigen-presenting cells are those which capture any antigens which enter into the human body and present them after processing to the immune cells of the body. Antigen-presenting cells are very important for the maintenance of the immunity of the human body.
 There are many types of antigen-presenting cells present in the human body, of which the most important ones are macrophages and dendritic cells. Important things which we should know about the antigen-presenting cells are given in the video elegantly which I came across while surfing. So, kindly make use of this post and get the basics of the antigen processing and presentation and the basic immune mechanism behind it. the link for the videos is given below.

Disclaimer: The videos are not owned by medical wizardry. This site just shows where to find knowledge. All the credits for the videos are to the creators of the videos only.

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