Showing posts from December, 2015

Overview about Fingerprints!!

Dermatoglyphics is the study of ridge patterns in the skin. Fingerprints are impre…

Actinomycosis Histopathology

Identification features: Number of filamentous bacteria-Actinomyces, arranged in …

What is Skull superimposition?

Skull superimposition is the technique applied to determine whether the …

What are the drugs producing disulfiram like reactions?

Disulfiram is used in alcohol withdrawal therapy. It, when ingested, will act on the metabolic enz…

What is Neurotic poisoning?

Classification of neurotic poisoning: Ethyl alcohol General anesthetics Opioid analges…

What are War gases?

The offensive use of non-living toxic products produced by living organisms is considered a…

What is Run amock?

The chronic poisoning  of use of cannabis  sativa or indica. Chronic use reduces se…

What are the Medicolegal importance of blood stain?

MURDER:                  The blood on a weapon can be matched against the blood of the victi…

Gross classification of medically important fungi!!!

Important Bacteria and their most common pathogenic conditions!! overview!!

Gram +ve  cocci: Staphylococci: Pyrogenic infection UTI Meningitis Otitis media Endo…

What are the signs of live birth of a child?

Shape of the chest:               Before respiration, the chest is flat & its circumfe…

Anaemia classification!!

What is Euthanasia?

DEFINITION:   Defined as painless killing of a person who is suffering from incurable dise…

How is Preservation of viscera for chemical examination is done?

Viscera should be preserved if:  if the death is suspected to be due to poisoning eit…

What is Traumatic asphyxia?

DEFINITION: Traumatic  asphyxia  is defined as a form of asphyxia resulting from trau…

What is Battered baby syndrome?

DEFINITION: Clinical  condition  in young children usually below 3 years-who received…

What is Obscure autopsy?

DEFINITION:         An autopsy done meticulously, properly and perfectly, but may present wi…

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